Monday, July 15, 2013

Malaysian government not taking corruption seriously

Malaysian government not taking corruption seriously


  1. SERIOUSLY, ...Going by public perception, as revealed in the recent Global Corruption Barometer survey conducted by Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M), only 31 per cent of respondents believe the Government has been effective in fighting corruption, down from 49 per cent in 2011.

  2. SHORTCHANGED as in LOST his cool in DEMONSTRATIONS EVIDENTLY !ANGRY Birds within DIVINE Intervention in deed is just-like BEAUTY in TRUTH are the TRUE Colors indeed that truly plus REALLY Reveals Reasons as to why the multitude LOST their Cool, ... SHAME on You !!! YES RATIONALITY is truly about all the IRRATIONAL exuberances displayed PRESENTLY !... what is Uniquely SACRED are not SECRETS on manipulation through Corruption plus the inequitable welfare distributed EVIDENTLY ! SELF INCORPORATION is in deed to PROTECT oneself from Collateral DAMAGE ABSOLUTELY ; should have ECEPTIONS But must be DIVINELY Divided ABSOLUTELY as in common ''interest'' like Government BONDS is to a COMMOMWEALTH NATION must have an Astounding ABUNDANCE of common SENSE ABSOLUTELY !
