Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ahmed Deedat Answers: "Corruption in Bible or Quran?"


  1. VERSIONS of Aspirations derived from Different versions on BOOKS Plus their INTERPRETATIONS from different TEACHERS ; REFOCUS on RELATIONSHIPS and not on the RELIGIONS is BEST UNIQUELY ! .... Ahmed Deedat Answers: "Corruption in Bible or Quran?": http://youtu.be/fVZ7MLQorwA via @youtube

  2. YES SECURITY Oversights are indeed in ASTOUNDING ABUNDANCE Really plus TRULY ABSOLUTELY !!! SPIRITUAL Warfare must be handled GRACEFULLY as it is absolutely SENSITIVE Normally plus NATURALLY ! HAHAHA ! ....LOST Toolbox does not really matter when you can possibly CALL Mr FIX IT ! ....it is all in the HEAD, Brain or mind matters AS in mind over matter MATERIALISTICALLY ! The MISSING Link in deed is that ONE must truly SEEK in the ''right'' LOCATION ABSOLUTELY will save time plus effort plus money and what not REALISTICALLY plus ABSOLUTELY !... EVERYTHING MATTERS in a RELATIONSHIP REALISTICALLY ! ... YES, YOUR Personal choice matters ABSOLUTELY !!! .... TRUST Plus Faith matters ASTOUNDINGLY As in Almost EVERYTHING Matters ABSOLUTELY !!! PERCEPTIONS as to what we do CONCEIVE in the NEW Age Era indeed is ''truly plus really'' ...... UNSTOPPABLE as in Unlimited Editions in the NEW Age Era where endless ASTOUNDING ABUNDANCE is in deed a FRESH New breath of FRESH AIR REALLY ! EXTENDSION of Evolution in deed matters ASTOUNDINGLY ! Extremely NEW as in newer than the new is a CHALLENGE Plus a BLESSING REALLY Plus ABSOLUTELY ! BOOKS plus VERSIONS of Aspirations derived from Different versions on BOOKS Plus their INTERPRETATIONS from different TEACHERS ; REFOCUS on RELATIONSHIPS and not on the RELIGIONS is BEST UNIQUELY ! .... Ahmed Deedat Answers: "Corruption in Bible or Quran?": http://youtu.be/fVZ7MLQorwA via @youtube ..... Starchild Skull - The New Evidence - Lloyd Pye: http://youtu.be/nguXc-NpyDI via @youtube
