Saturday, July 20, 2013


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  1. DIVINE Intervention in deed is just-like TRUE Colors indeed that truly plus REALLY Reveals what is Uniquely SACRED are not SECRETS EVIDENTLY ! SELF INCORPORATION is in deed to PROTECT oneself from Collateral DAMAGE ABSOLUTELY ; should have ECEPTIONS But must be DIVINELY Divided ABSOLUTELY as in common ''interest'' like Government BONDS is to a COMMOMWEALTH NATION must have an Astounding ABUNDANCE of common SENSE ABSOLUTELY !

  2. DIVINE Intervention in deed is just-like TRUE Colors indeed that truly plus REALLY Reveals what is Uniquely SACRED are not SECRETS EVIDENTLY ! SELF INCORPORATION is in deed to PROTECT oneself from Collateral DAMAGE ABSOLUTELY ; should have ECEPTIONS But must be DIVINELY Divided ABSOLUTELY as in common ''interest'' like Government BONDS is to a COMMOMWEALTH NATION must have an Astounding ABUNDANCE of common SENSE ABSOLUTELY ! Understanding of ''uncommon'' sense is not in the LACT of CORRECT knowledge OBLIVIOUSLY ; TOO MANY as in Astounding Abundance of ''un-affordable'' homes built, ....Although 2013 was the best year for new-home construction since 2009, vacancy rates are creeping up. ...Whenever ends do not meet it ''means'' it does not MATCH, ... or UNCOMPATIBLE ABSOLUTELY.
