Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Security law is national retaliation, not reconciliation, says DAP

Security law is national retaliation, not reconciliation, says DAP


  1. "Look at all the policies. They are trying to divide the people," Lim told reporters in Kuala Lumpur today.

    "The PCA is the Emergency Ordinance again but in a different name."

  2. RETALIATION as in Suppression plus Oppression is like DIVIDE and CONQUER ''evidently'' ...... DISPLAY as so many loves to play OBLIVIOUSLY !SHOW then the LIGHT INDEED ! ASCEND and SOAR in much less MYSTERIOUS WAYS ! Revelations plus ''leaks'' will lead the WAY ! UNIQUE in every way as to be distinctly different yet is the same in similar ways, ... is to get access to the SPECIFIC details in InfoWar in deed is ''greatness'' of the evil force indeed is of GREAT PRICE INDEED ! YES Technically the Devil is also in details, ... but the Beauty in truth will overcome what will entail in being enriched is truly ''unlike'' enlightened ''plus'' empowered by the Holy Omni ONE INEVITABLY ! OBVIOUSLY YES But NOT Just through grace alone that one might be saved, but is also through mercy that one is save OBLIVIOUSLY ! And, Reborn or RENEWED is not the same as NEW REALISTICALLY ! SOMETIMES Repackaging or Refinancing might not work because of CORRUPTED Software that need to be Deleted or RESET and Recharged plus Reconfigurations as in REBOOT IN ACCORD, ABSOLUTELY ! YES BEING in the spirit ''plus'' in the IMAGE MATTERS EVIDENTLY ! YES, Fundamentally sound is mindfulness matters ASTOUNDINGLY REALLY !
